

The implications and opportunities of learning analytics for European educational policy


LAEP investigated the state of the art of learning analytics in Europe and beyond. It also looked at what may happen in the field during the next 10–15 years.


LAEP investigated the state of the art of learning analytics in Europe and beyond. It also looked at what may happen in the field during the next 10–15 years. To do this, the team put together an inventory of evidence as well as carrying out in-depth case studies and expert consultations. The project provided recommendations for European education policy to guide and support the take-up and adaptation of this technology to enhance education in Europe.

The project focused on three questions:

  1. What is the state of the art in learning analytics?
  2. What are the prospects for implementation?
  3. What is the potential for European policy in this area?

The role of IET

IET provided leadership in the development and publishing of the final report “Research Evidence on the Use of Learning Analytics: Implications for Education Policy” for the EU, Joint Research Centre, Seville, Spain.


The full final report is available here. It has been used by EU policy makers and has been substantially cited by researchers and practitioners. This work has influenced the development of a range of learning analytics frameworks and policy applications.