Explore our active projects and highlights of our recent work
The project investigates the relationship between at-scale teacher professional development with technology, and the teaching and learning of numeracy skills in primary schools in Bangladesh.
A new approach to doctorate supervision
An innovative doctorate supervision approach in collaboration with a Natural History Museum in the US
This European project explores the potential for those in higher education to use generative AI. The large consortium of 11 institutions will consider the benefits for students and for those involved in teaching and developing curriculum and how to realise them. The project will develop an online professional development course to enable university teachers to make the most of these technologies within an ethical framework.
The ARIDLL project aims to develop a cooperation partnership and a professional community in Augmented Reality (AR) instructional design for language learning.
The Every1 consortium brings together leading experts in energy, education, energy ecosystems and the social sciences to enable all European stakeholders to participate effectively in the digital energy market.
ExtenDT² aims to use Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, 3D printing; and Virtual Robotics technologies, to enhance the pedagogical value, sustainable digitization and potential for wide deployment of Design Thinking - a promising pedagogical innovation that promotes learning through co-creation.
A global network for PhD candidates with a focus on open education
Informing the National Curriculum and Youth Policy for Peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia and Nepal.
The project explores the impact of the growing use of digital/mobile technologies on regional and local ecologies of teaching, assessment and learning of English (TALE) in the four most populous countries in East and South Asia – Bangladesh, China, India, and Indonesia.
The PRIME project will broaden understanding of online harm and how it can be mitigated through new systems, tools and processes by focusing on Minority Ethnic (ME) communities' experiences of digitalised services, particularly in the areas of housing, health and energy.
Relationship between TOEFL iBT and Academic Writing Practices in English-Medium Universities in South Asia
This study explores the relationship between the TOEFL iBT test (Writing section) and academic writing practices in six universities in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal where English is the medium of instruction.
Uncovering bias in learning materials using learning analytics
Online learning platforms provide students access to education worldwide, but bias in educational content remains an issue. Bias (such as ethnic bias) negatively impacts the studies of affected groups, limiting student performance and engagement. Tackling bias expressed in learning content manually is a time-consuming, sometimes impractical, error-prone endeavour due to subjectivity in perception and the sheer amount of digital educational content available.
The iLED project aims to enhance digital readiness, resilience and capacity of HE through purposeful use of innovative digital pedagogies, tools and learning design.
Supporting people of all ages to design and take part in citizen science and citizen inquiry investigations
Exploring how virtual assistants could enhance disability support across the education sector.
ADMINS investigates administrative process, assessing the accessibility issues which affect students within higher education
Collecting positive mental health stories
ARETE builds a Europe-wide competitive ecosystem that supports fast dissemination of multi-user interactive augmented learning content
The Data-informed Learning Design for Future Schools project uses learning analytics to investigate the efficacy of patterns of learning design activities in online courses.
Beyond Prototypes
The Beyond Prototypes report provides an in-depth examination of the processes of innovation in technology-enhanced learning (TEL) and sets out what can be done to improve the process of moving from academic research and innovative prototypes to effective and sustainable products and practices.
This EU-funded project tackled the European challenge of enabling businesses, labour forces and universities to modernise; developing cross-sector knowledge exchange; and co-ordinating their activities and exploitation of the potential of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
Creating a rankings system to measure the of quality of online education comparing online universities and with face-to-face universities.
Changing Pedagogic Landscape
This project examined system level influences on pedagogic change at university level across Europe. The project focused on three areas that can influence pedagogic change at the national level: Curriculum, Funding and Quality Assurance.
CitSci diaries
Enhancing the engagement of citizens within science participation communities is a focus of attention for researchers and practitioners who want to amplify the impact on learning, science and society.
Close-Up on Heritage Language Learners: An Inquiry project
Close-up on Heritage Language Learners is an exploratory project that examines the integration of web and mobile technologies in the heritage language classroom.
Complex Trajectories
The ‘Complex Trajectories’ project explores how universities can better support students moving between institutions, changing course mid-study, or changing study mode.
Developmental Coordination Disorder Stigma Capture
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD/Dyspraxia), is a common, lifelong, yet understudied movement coordination disorder, affecting everyday activities, and often complicated by stigma and isolation from peers. We will investigate the stigma that people with this disorder expertience.
Digital Badges for Teacher Professional Development in India
To explore the range of ways that digital badge technology could be used to support effective teaching practice and professional development at scale with a focus on India.
Digital Decisions
Analysing decision making by staff in African higher education institutions as they move to greater use of online and digital technologies in their teaching.
European SLPs for continuous professional development and lifelong learning.European SLPs for continuous professional development and lifelong learning
Enabling scalable, flexible training on MOOC platforms for the European labour market
Supporting uptake and innovation in OER to build the European educational ecosystems of tomorrow.
This project proposes to examine the impact of Augmented Reality (AR) in the training of users on the assembly of composite materials.
Our project focuses on determining equitable access to, and improving the quality of, international distance education (IDE) in South Africa.
Ed-ICT is an international network that brings together practitioners and researchers to share perspectives and bring about solutions on a world-wide scale.
Developing citizen science capacity in organisations and citizens
Empowering Design Practices
Empowering design practices is a five-year AHRC-funded research project that aims to explore how community-led design can help empower those who look after historic places of worship to create more open, vibrant and sustainable places that respect and enhance their heritage.
Engaging research in the digital university: A civil society perspective
Connecting open research and the public.
EVALUATE will test one online collaborative approach – telecollaborative exchange – and assess its impact on the development of linguistic, intercultural and digital-pedagogical competences for trainee teachers
ExplOERer was a European Commission co-funded project, under the Erasmus+ programme. ExplOERer aimed to promote Open Educational Resources (OER) adoption and re-use in educators’ professional practice.
The evaluation examines the Frontline Immigration Advice Project, one of Refugee Action’s flagship projects.
Facilitating equitable access and quality education for development: South African International Distance Education
This project focuses on two areas vital to the future success of IDE in Africa: equality of access to education, and the quality of that education.
Fleming Fund: Tackling AMR
Our work contributes to Global Actions to address the global challenge of rising drug resistance by providing and testing educational approaches to Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Education.
IET leads development of new standard for Augmented Reality Learning
ARLEM specifies how users can interact with both the real world and virtual augmentations.
Improving social capital for learning
This study gives insight into how people learn to become Wikipedia editors, highlighting the emerging roles and responsibilities.
Increasing diversity in GO-GN
Promoting diversity of the GO-GN Network in the Global South.
Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs. The Learning Analytics Community Exchange originated as an FP7-funded European project. Its objectives are to promote the creation and exchange of knowledge, to build the knowledge base, to help guide the development of the field and to build consensus on interoperability and data sharing.
LAEP investigated the state of the art of learning analytics in Europe and beyond. It also looked at what may happen in the field during the next 10–15 years.
This project investigates the best ways to engage young people with citizen science learning through a collaboration with National History Museums in the UK and US
Investigating how energy companies learn to work safer by distributing information about incidents
Learning Design Work Planning Tool
Developing an online tool to enable staff involved in course design and production to map the workload of a module.
Learning Gains
The HEFCE/Office for Students Learning Gains project aimed to explore an Affective-Behaviour-Cognition (ABC) model of learning, to broaden the concept of learning gain, and - more importantly - to develop, test, implement, and evaluate a range of measurements for learning gains at each of the ABC level.
Linked Journeys
This project built on the original design of Our Journey - an interface for students to represent their study journeys. It developed understanding of the links between the events that occur in these journeys, other forms of student data, and student mental health and wellbeing. This provides opportunities for feedback to the institution, dialogue between students and staff, and new forms of student support.
Mobile apps to support young children and maths learning.
MASELTOV recognises the major risks for social exclusion of immigrants from the European information society and identifies the huge potential of mobile services for promoting integration and cultural diversity in Europe.
MAZI means “together” in Greek and project aims to provide technology and knowledge to: Empower those who are in physical proximity, to shape their hybrid urban space, together, according to the specificities of the respective local environment. Generate location-based collective awareness as a basis for fostering social cohesion, conviviality, participation in decision-making processes, self-organization, knowledge sharing, and sustainable living. Facilitate interdisciplinary interactions around the design of hybrid space and the role of ICTs in society.
The METIS project aimed to facilitate the adoption of innovative pedagogies in online teaching.
This research examines how migration can foster inclusive economics across four African countries; Kenya, Nigeria, Mozambique and Ghana.
MOOC Italiano Inglese in Tandem
Developing a learning path for the development of language fluency in academic contexts.
OER Research Hub (OER Hub)
World leadership in open education research
OER World Map
The OER World Map is the place on the web where anyone involved in Open Education can share information, resources, experiences and ideas related to their work.
Examining existing practice of OOFAT (Open, Online, Flexible and Technology enhanced) learning in higher education across the globe, with a focus on exemplary distance provision models which have become common practice for some providers, but would require a pathway to innovation for many others.
OOFAT Models
Developing a deeper strategic understanding of contemporary education systems
Establishing modern methods for online open worldwide learning to be accessed by those who need it most.
OpenReal (pilot)
With this pilot, the Institute of Educational Technology (IET) seeks to evaluate the impact of eXtended Reality (XR) learning on student experience, engagement, and learning effectivity. Expanding from the pilot version of the OpenReal project, during the proof of concept phase IET will develop cost-efficient models for production and roll out of eXtended Reality (XR) learning across the student population of The Open University.
OpenReal (proof of concept)
How can we augment learning at home, at work, and in labs, workshops, or other professional environments with digital material in order to render learning at The Open University more engaging, authentic, apprehensible, and accessible?
Our Journey
A set of tools to support students to chart the highs and lows of their study journeys and the important events that happen along the way.
Delivering packages of teaching for educators in Africa
Pathways - e-Assessment for African Higher Education
Meeting the needs of African tertiary educators to develop understanding of e-assessment
The overall objective for RAPIDE is to co-create, implement and share innovative pedagogies and aligned assessment for relevant and inclusive digital education in order to deal with the COVID-19 induced and similar crises and to support meaningful digital transformation of HEIs on the EU level.
Exploring how the OU design students could work remotely.
The Reaching out to marginalised populations in low-income countries (ReMaLIC) project is collecting first-hand accounts of the educational experiences of marginalised young people aged 13-15, their parents and their teachers in four low-income countries in Africa and Asia.
Research disruption during PhD studies and its impact on mental health
While disruptions, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, have a negative impact on PhD students' mental health and research progress, there are ways to support them, such as providing access to mental health support services and encouraging approach coping behaviours.
SALSA explored how smartphones can be used to prompt language learning.
Social Transition Research into International Doctoral Experiences (STRIDE) is a UKCISA-funded project that seeks to understand and unpack the role of holistic social support networks in postgraduate students’ educational transitions, with a particular focus on international students.
Science learning with Angry Birds
The project examined the potential of game-based mobile applications to support science learning.
Skills for Prosperity Kenya
Skills for Prosperity Kenya is a programme funded to strengthen existing digital (online, blended) education capacity for selected Public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
Study on models for online, open, flexible and technology enhanced higher education
Exploring innovative, sustainable practice, examining Open, Online, Flexible and Technology enhanced.
Supportive Automated Feedback for Short Essay Answers
The aim of this research was to produce an effective automated interactive feedback system that provides an acceptable level of support for university students writing essays in a distance-learning or e-learning context.
The TeSLA project aimed to develop an e-assessment authentication system to help verify that learners in online assessments are who they say they are.
Teach 4.0
This projects responds to the need of Industry 4.0 that will develop and nurture the vision and solutions of how to accelerate the corresponding transition within HEIs - in the field of Computer Science and related disciplines - towards Education 4.0 where humans and technologies are aligned with the aim to enable achievement of skills, competences and knowledge necessary in 21st century.
Technology-enhanced Personalised Learning In Schools
A report to help German educators and policy makers make good informed decisions about how best to personalise learning in German schools.
The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on OU students
This is an Open University (OU) Covid-19 Rapid Response project that explores the impact of Covid-19 on the wellbeing and progress of PhD students in the UK.
Understanding and Improving ‘Fair and Equitable Research Partnerships’ in Response to Global Challenges
This programme of strategic research and capacity building aimed to inform UKRI’s work on ‘fair and equitable research partnerships’ by eliciting a partners’ perspective on partnerships.
Virtual museums in the covid era
The VISITOR project will develop virtual visits to museums, via a game-based application, for schools to use and align with their curriculum activities.
The project aimed at devising evidence-based guidelines about the design of educational apps for children.
nQuire: Young Citizen Inquiry
The project aimed at supporting young people act as scientists.