

Re-imagining Education for the Future Of Redistributed Manufacturing (Makespaces and distributed design education: a feasibility study for the RCA)


Exploring how the OU design students could work remotely.


RE:FORM explored how Open University design students could work remotely over the internet with distant trainee fabrication learners ('makers') based in MAKLab, Glasgow to collaboratively design and build full scale chair prototypes fabricated using industrial CNC routers. This project was funded by the Royal College of Art and EPSRC in their exploration of redistributed manufacturing supply chains, and our approach was to look at the education and training challenges (Future Makespaces in Re-Distributed Manufacturing, EPSRC (EP/M017591/1) ). The OU RE:FORM team is working with colleagues to further explore making in community settings, and also how we might develop the RE:FORM work to support design-based university curricula.


Research programmes


  • EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)