IET has been producing its innovating pedagogy series since 2012 with each annual report involving the expertise of IET’s research contributors, in collaboration with researchers from partner learning institutions.
The Innovating Pedagogy report series strengthens IET’s research offering and helps advance the awareness of pedagogical innovations that are available to be used and have the potential to provoke profound influence in educational practice.
Through producing these annual reports and seeking feedback from our readers, we have increasingly become aware of the diversity of our audiences across the world. We are aware of our readers uniting desire to be updated with emerging approaches in fast-changing educational landscapes, wanting to understand current or future impacts of the innovating pedagogies we describe. As our reports are translated into multiple languages, we endeavour to write clearly in order to make unfamiliar ideas accessible and consider community, national and global impacts of pedagogical innovations.
Our 2024 innovating pedagogy report is the twelfth in the series, joining expertise from IET with partner researchers from the LIVE Learning Innovation Incubator at Vanderbilt University in the US. The report explains a further set of powerful pedagogies and innovations that hold the promise of transformative change.