

Enable eVeryone's Engagement in the eneRgY transition


The Every1 consortium brings together leading experts in energy, education, energy ecosystems and the social sciences to enable all European stakeholders to participate effectively in the digital energy market.


The Every1 project starts from a deeply data-informed understanding of stakeholders and ecosystems (citizen, cities, energy communities, companies, regulators, and distribution grid operators) in the digital energy market. Energy products and services will be assessed and validated, together with user case studies, in order to ensure stakeholders become better informed and can realise their full potential in this marketplace. A key focus is on information and training. Bespoke openly licensed training materials and information resources will be developed in parallel with mapping existing energy digitalisation-related learning materials, and structuring stakeholder-specific learning pathways through these materials. This, in turn, will help support a much needed capacity building process.

Every1’s activities will support the energy market by exchanging best practice with policy-makers and energy regulators, enabling discussions about barriers, and discovering joint solutions which can be communicated in a collaborative manner to our stakeholders.

This work will also include a strong outreach campaign, with a local-level focus, employing social media campaigns with material in various languages and targeting community media used by our stakeholders. An EXPLORE SHAPE UNITE approach will drive the ecosystems work, which includes guided one-to-one support, joint activities, webinars, matchmaking, and more. Future ecosystems will be actively engaged and trained, while cooperation with diverse activities and networks will lead to a wider uptake of capacity building material.

The role of IET

IET will be leading Work Package 3 - ‘From knowledge gaps over learning paths to identifying training material needs’.

Work Package Objectives

  • Identify key stakeholders' knowledge gaps, their linked training needs, and their learning preferences.
  • Identify existing and emerging training material that could feature in the Every1 flexible open learning pathways.
  • Design flexible and equitable open learning pathways that meet diverse key stakeholders' needs, preferences, and capabilities.

Work Package Goals

  • Cover the gap in knowledge about digitalisation of energy services and contribute to reskilling and upskilling individuals and organizations.
  • Ensure the Every1 project meets the training needs of a wide range of stakeholders, maximising the project’s impact and ensuring equitable participation in learning.

IET also has a key role in Work Package 4 and will be:

Leading development of the bespoke learning materials.

Leading updating of these learning materials.

IET is also contributing to Work Package 5 by providing training in OER use, reuse and adaptation.


The IET team has completed one of the deliverables of the Every1 project – D3.1. ‘Scientific paper on stakeholders and knowledge gaps’

We have submitted the manuscript titled “How interested am I in learning about energy? Energy literacy, individual differences, and citizens’ knowledge gaps” for consideration in Energy Research & Social Science.

The scientific paper presents a mixed methods study that addresses a novel area in energy literacy research – interest in learning about energy-related topics. We have surveyed 3843 citizens of four European countries to find out (a) the extent to which they are interested in learning about energy, (b) the influence of various socio-demographic factors on this reported level of interest, and (c) specific knowledge gaps that citizens report in relation to energy-related topics.

This study addresses a broad readership, appealing to both academics and a popular audience. Among its theoretical implications, it advocates for the integration of interest in learning about energy within the affective dimension of energy literacy frameworks. It also provides practical insights on democratising energy education and tailoring literacy programs and awareness campaigns for diverse demographics.

Research programmes


  • Horizon Europe / UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)


  • Flux50 (Coordinator)
  • Eindhoven University of Technology
  • EWorx
  • INESC TEC - Tecnologia e ciencia Laboratorio Associado
  • Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS)
  • International Cleantech Network
  • Joanneum Research
  • RdA Climate Solutions
  • Steinbeis
  • Th!nk E