Research · Editorial
New research funding aims to enhance digital readiness, resilience and capacity of Higher Education

Researchers at The Open University’s Institute of Educational Technology are working with a consortium of European partners to use innovative digital pedagogies, tools and learning design approaches to progress higher education internationally.
The consortium of partners working on the iLED project, full title ‘Innovating Learning Design in Higher Education, received €400,000 from Erasmus+ which will fund the project for a three-year period.
The iLED project aims to support the development of an innovative learning-outcomes based learning design concept and tool, as well as co-creating learning design implementation in virtual and blended learning contexts. In addition, the project aims to take innovative learning design approaches to progress higher education curriculums, and foster teachers’ competences in digital pedagogies.
The Open University’s Institute of Educational Technology (IET) is leading the validation of learning design in authentic online and blended learning and teaching environments. Also, IET will assist evaluating and updating the initial Balanced Learning Design Planner.
Professor Bart Rienties, Professor of Learning Analytics The OU’s Institute of Educational Technology, is leading the development of establishing authentic learning and teaching environments. Bart commented:
"The concept of learning design has been one of the main ideas coming out of IET since 2004, and I am so pleased to see how nearly 20 years later both technology and practice are ready for embracing learning design with powerful learning analytics. The iLED project will help teachers to make even better decisions when designing their next learning unit by personalised and visual support by the iLED tool. You can try out the tool for free on at"
Access the Balance Design Planning tool directly here.
The Open University’s (OU) partners on the project are the University of Zagreb (Faculty of Organization and Informatics), Goethe University, University of Zagreb (School of Medicine) and the University of Oulu.
Find out more about IET’s work in learning analytics and learning design by reviewing our research programme here.