Research · Editorial
Prof Anne Adams appointed to Government POST Fellowship focussed on horizon scanning

Professor Anne Adams, Chair in Engaged Research and Practice at The Open University, has been appointed a UK Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology (POST) Academic Fellowship, developing evidence-based and systematic horizon scanning methodologies, to enable parliamentarians to think one step ahead of the next wave of change.
Currently, POST’s valuable research reviews for decision making are generally reactive, and methodologies focus on reviewing evidence ‘from the past’ to facilitate current decisions. However, POST has an important strand of activity on evidence-based horizon scanning. This seeks to reveal possible, probable and predictable changes in the future, which in turn provides parliamentarians with opportunities to strategically pre-empt shifts in the political, social and economic landscape.
The aim of this fellowship project is to develop POST’s evidence-based and systematic horizon scanning methodologies, to enable parliamentarians to think one step ahead of the next wave of change. Linked to POST’s Areas of Research Interest and Evidence Bases, this horizon scanning will support high-quality, timely, evidence-based decision making, and support the advancement of horizon scanning methods across Westminster’ Research and Innovation.
Prof Anne Adams, co-convener of the Professional and Digital Learning research programme at The Open University's Institute of Educational Technology (IET), commenced her 12-month POST fellowship in 2022.
Visit Prof Anne Adams IET Profile to stay updated with her academic works within POST and IET.