I am a Lecturer in Academic Professional Development (APD) and I am leading the Research Career Development (RCD). RCD brings together professional development activities for the Open University's central academic & research staff at all stages of their careers. RCD also works in partnership with the Graduate School to continue to deliver the RCD Programme for Postgraduate Research Students as well. I am also an academic lead for the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and actively work to implement its seven principles. I am responsible to support reporting and monitoring of the Open University's plan as a whole and to demonstrate the University’s commitment to the Concordat principles.My research interests currently lie primarily in the fields of learning analytics, particularly discourse-centric learning analytics, e-assessment, AI in education, the effectiveness of visualisations and visual analytics dashboards, successful integration of ICT into the teaching and learning process, and achieving gender equity in academia and empowering women in academia/STEM. I also co-run the openAIED which is a special interest group bringing together researchers across the Open University who are interested in the application of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED).
Dr. Duygu Bektik is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University, UK, a role she has held since 2018. As the Academic Lead for Research Career Development, she oversees professional development activities for OU's research staff across all career stages. Dr. Bektik is also the co-founder and academic lead of the OpenAIED (Open University's AI in Education) special interest group, established in 2019. She has contributed to multiple projects exploring the use of generative AI in teaching and learning. Additionally, she co-chaired the FutureLearn microcredential HZFM882: Online Teaching: Evaluating and Improving Courses and is currently authoring a CPD course on generative AI for educators. Dr. Bektik also serves on the executive committee of ACM-W Europe as the Celebration Chair.
Dr. Bektik has over 15 years of experience in computer science, education, and instructional technologies. She earned her Ph.D. in Learning Analytics from the Knowledge Media Institute at The Open University, UK, where she focused on using writing analytics, specifically automated meta-discourse analysis in student writing, to support essay assessment practices. She also holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in Computer and Instructional Technologies from Bilkent University, an MSc. in Software Engineering from the University of Southampton, and a teaching certificate for ICT in primary and secondary schools. Her teaching experience spans Turkey and the UK.
External Projects:
Dr. Bektik is a mixed-methods researcher experienced in interviews, focus groups, questionnaire design, and advanced statistical analyses such as regression and Jaccard analysis. Her project portfolio includes:
- TeSLA: Developed an adaptive trust e-assessment system for authenticating learners in online and blended learning environments.
- ABC Learning Gains (HEFCE-funded): A longitudinal study evaluating the scalability of the Affective-Behaviour-Cognition model in higher education.
- EVALUATE (Erasmus+ funded): Investigated educational interventions to develop digital and language competencies in future EU teachers.
- PKE (Police Knowledge Exchange): Explored barriers and enablers for knowledge-sharing within and across police forces.
- ADMIT: Focused on creating educational and ethical frameworks for integrating generative AI in higher education, addressing diversity, inclusion, academic integrity, and digital literacy.
Internal Projects:
Dr. Bektik has contributed to internal initiatives at the Open University, including:
- Single Component Assessment: Examined the impact of determining module assessment scores using an averaged approach versus threshold-based evaluation.
- PVC-RI Challenge: Led the three-phased project developing the Authoring Assistant, a GenAI tool for short course authoring, involving staff upskilling, iterative testing, and wider implementation.
- AIDA (Artificial Intelligent Digital Assistant): Collaborated with KMi to design an AI assistant for OpenLearn, exploring its potential to support student learning.
As part of The Open University’s Open Science Laboratory project, received full PhD funding
by the Wolfson Foundation
Best demonstration award
at the Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference in 2014
Exceptional achievement award
at Bilkent University in 2011
Listed as high honour student each semester
at Bilkent University (2006-2010)
Received 100% merit scholarship towards the undergraduate and masters studies
from Bilkent University
Research programmes
Research students
Kendal Wright
Professional memberships
- Member of the British Educational Research Association