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I am Associate Director of Research and Innovation in the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University, UK. As Associate Director I have institutional responsibility for developing research strategy in educational technology. I am particularly interested in journeys between formal and informal learning, and I am one of the organisers of the FutureLearn academic network.
Eileen Scanlon is Regius Professor of Open Education, an award she received for her exceptional contributions to the fields of educational technology and public engagement with the sciences. Her award also reflects the exceptionally high quality of teaching and research within The Institute of Educational Technology (IET).
Eileen has a background in science education and science communication teaching and research, and educational technology. She holds a number of senior management roles and visiting posts. She is Associate Director of Research and Innovation in the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University, UK. As Associate Director she has institutional responsibility for developing research strategy in educational technology. Eileen is also Honorary Professor in Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh. Previously. she was a Trustee at Bletchley Parkandshe has held visiting academic appointments at University of California (Berkeley) and the Institute of Education, University of London.
Eileen began her full-time OU career in 1975, working in the Deanery of The Science Faculty. She completed her PhD in 1990 studying cognitive models of physics problem solving. Eileen has worked in IET since 1978 where she has held a number of roles, including Director of the Computers and Learning Research Group (CALRG). She was also Director of the interfaculty centre of excellence, the Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (CREET). She is currently directing openTEL, http://www.open.ac.uk/research/themes/opentel, an Open University strategic research area which brings together people from across the University who are conducting research in technology enhanced learning.
Eileen has contributed to a number of postgraduate teaching projects, such as the MA in open and distance education including leading roles in the development of the MSc in Science Studies.
Scanlon, Eileen; Herodotou, Christothea and McLeod, Kevin. (). Community Citizen Inquiry: The Case of nQuire. In: Proceedings of the European Distance and eLearning Network Conference 2023, 18-20 Jun 2023, Dublin.
Scanlon, Eileen. (). Learning science at a distance: it can be done. In: 3rd International Conference on Educational Technology and Online Learning – ICETOL 2023: Full Paper Proceedings, 20-23 Jun 2023, Cunda, Ayvalık,Turkey.
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Bossu, Carina; Charitonos, Koula; Coughlan, Tim; Deacon, Andrew; Deane, Nawaal; Ferguson, Rebecca; Herodotou, Christothea; Huang, Cheng-Wen; Mayisela, Tabisa; Rets, Irina; Sargent, Julia; Scanlon, Eileen; Small, Janet; Walji, Sukaina; Weller, Martin and Whitelock, Denise (). Innovating Pedagogy 2023: Open University Innovation Report 11. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Bossu, Carina; Charitonos, Koula; Coughlan, Tim; Ferguson, Rebecca; FitzGerald, Elizabeth; Gaved, Mark; Guitert, Montse; Herodotou, Christothea; Maina, Marcelo; Prieto-Blázquez, Josep; Rienties, Bart; Sangrà, Albert; Sargent, Julia; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise (). Innovating Pedagogy 2022: Open University Innovation Report 10. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Scanlon, Eileen and Herodotou, Christothea. (). Advancing the Democratization of Research: Citizen Science. In: L@S '22: Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 280-283.
Herodotou, Christothea; Twiner, Alison; Scanlon, Eileen; McLeod, Kevin and Seale, Jane. (). From participants to creators: Considerations for community-led citizen science. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022, International Society of the Learning Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan, 11-18.
Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise (). Reflecting on the main findings and practical applications. In: Rienties, Bart; Hampel, Regine; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise eds. Open World Learning: Research, Innovation and the Challenges of High-Quality Education New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 264-272.
Grand, Ann; Davies, Sarah-Jane; Collins, Trevor and Scanlon, Eileen. (). Alternative fieldwork, “real-world” communities. In: 11th eSTEeM Annual Conference Scholarship Success Stories – Innovation Through Community, 11-12 May 2022, Online.
Minocha, Shailey; Murphy, Victoria and Scanlon, Eileen. (). Designing Ethical Assessment. In: CALRG Annual Conference 2021, 15-16 Jun 2021, The Open University, UK (online).
Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and Ferguson, Rebecca (). Introduction. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational Visions: Lessons from 40 years of innovation London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 1-12.
Coughlan, Tim; Lister, Kate; Seale, Jane; Scanlon, Eileen and Weller, Martin (). Accessible Inclusive Learning: Foundations. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation London: Ubiquity press, pp. 51-73.
Coughlan, Tim; Lister, Kate; Seale, Jane; Scanlon, Eileen and Weller, Martin (). Accessible Inclusive Learning: Futures. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational visions: The lessons from 40 years of innovation London: Ubiquity press, pp. 75-91.
Ferguson, Rebecca; Coughlan, Tim; Egelandsdal, Kjetil; Gaved, Mark; Herodotou, Christothea; Hillaire, Garron; Jones, Derek; Jowers, Iestyn; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; McAndrew, Patrick; Misiejuk, Kamila; Ness, Ingun Johanna; Rienties, Bart; Scanlon, Eileen; Sharples, Mike; Wasson, Barbara; Weller, Martin and Whitelock, Denise (). Innovating Pedagogy 2019: Open University Innovation Report 7. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Holmes, Wayne; Iniesto, Francisco; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen. (). ETHICS in AIED: Who Cares? An EC-TEL workshop. In: EC-TEL 2019 Fourteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 16-19 Sep 2019, Delft (Netherlands).
Scanlon, Eileen; Herodotou, Christothea; Whitelock, Denise and Edwards, Chris (). STEM Learning: Foundations. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational Visions: Lessons from 40 years of innovation London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 127-138.
Herodotou, Christothea; Scanlon, Eileen and Whitelock, Denise (). STEM Learning: Futures. In: Ferguson, Rebecca; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Educational Visions: Lessons from 40 years of innovation London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 139-150.
Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and Charitonos, Koula (). Learning across locations and settings. In: Luckin, Rosemary eds. Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology: What the Research Says UCL IOE Press.
Ferguson, Rebecca; Herodotou, Christothea; Coughlan, Tim; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike (). MOOC development: priority areas. In: Luckin, Rosemary eds. Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology: What the Research Says London: UCL IOE Press.
Baume, David and Scanlon, Eileen (). A contemporary digital capabilities framework. In: Luckin, Rosemary eds. Enhancing Learning and Teaching with Technology: what the research says London: UCL IOE Publishing.
Herodotou, Christothea; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen (). Introducing citizen inquiry. In: Herodotou, Christothea; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Citizen Inquiry: Synthesising Science and Inquiry Learning Routledge.
Aristeidou, Maria; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike (). Design processes of a citizen inquiry community. In: Herodotou, Christothea; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen eds. Citizen Inquiry: Synthesising Science and Inquiry Learning Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 210-229.
Sharples, Mike; Aristeidou, Maria; Villasclaras-Fernández, Eloy; Herodotou, Christothea and Scanlon, Eileen. (). Sense-it: A Smartphone Toolkit for Citizen Inquiry Learning. In: The Mobile Learning Voyage – From Small Ripples to Massive Open Waters, 366-377.
Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Adam, Marc; Clough, Gill; Conole, Grainne; Gaved, Mark; Lins, Jeffrey Todd; Lindley, Craig; Peffer, Gilbert; Scanlon, Eileen and Smidts, Ale. (). A game based approach to improve traders' decision-making. In: The International Gamification for Business Conference 2015: Strategic Industrial Applications of Games and Gamification, 21-22 Sep 2015, Innovation Birmingham, Faraday Wharf, Innovation Birmingham Campus, Holt Street, Birmingham Science Park Aston, Birmingham, B7 4BB.
Aristeidou, Maria; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike (). Weather-it missions: a social network analysis perspective of an online citizen inquiry community. In: Conole, G.; Klobučar, T.; Rensing, C.; Konert, J. and Lavoué, E. eds. Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World, Proceedings of 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2015, Toledo, Spain, September 15-18 Springer, pp. 3-16.
Sharples, Mike; Scanlon, Eileen; Ainsworth, Shaaron; Anastopoulou, Stamatina; Collins, Trevor; Crook, Charles; Jones, Ann; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Littleton, Karen; Mulholland, Paul and O'Malley, Claire. (). Personal inquiry: orchestrating science investigations within and beyond the classroom. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 24 (2) pp. 308-341.
Gaved, Mark; Luley, Patrick; Efremidis, Sofoklis; Georgiou, Iakovos; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Jones, Ann and Scanlon, Eileen. (). Challenges in context-aware mobile language learning: the MASELTOV approach. In: 13th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning 2014, 3-5 Nov 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
Aristeidou, Maria; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike. (). Inquiring Rock Hunters. In: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities, Springer International Publishing, 546-547.
Scanlon, Eileen; McAndrew, Patrick and O'Shea, Tim. (). Distance learning, OER, and MOOCs: some UK experiences. In: Proceedings of the first ACM conference on Learning @ scale conference (L@S '14), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 167-168.
Aristeidou, Maria; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike. (). A design-based study of Citizen Inquiry for geology. In: EC-TEL 2013 Eighth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 17-21 Sep 2013, Paphos (Cyprus).
Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Gaved, Mark; Brasher, Andrew; Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and Paletta, Lucas. (). Designing for inclusion through incidental language learning. In: ICT for Language Learning (5th Edition), 15-16 Nov 2012, Florence, Italy.
Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark; Conole, Grainne; Lins, Jeffrey; Peffer, Gilbert; Adam, Marc; Lindley, Craig; Smidt, Ale; Clough, Gill and Scanlon, Eileen. (). A learning design to support the emotion regulation of investors. In: OECD-SEBI International Conference on Investor Education, 3-4 Feb 2012, Goa, India.
Iacovides, Ioanna; Aczel, James; Scanlon, Eileen; Taylor, Josie and Woods, William. (). Motivation, engagement and learning through digital games. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, 2 (2) pp. 1-16.
Gaved, Mark; Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen; Littleton, Karen; Blake, Canan; Petrou, Marilena; Clough, Gill and Twiner, Alison. (). Using netbooks to support mobile learners' investigations across activities and places. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 25 (3) pp. 187-200.
Blake, Canan; Adams, Anne and Scanlon, Eileen. (). Using PDAs in healthcare settings. In: Proceedings of mLearn 2010, World Conference on Mobile and contextual Learning, Valetta, Malta. University of Malta,, 19-22 Oct 2010, Valetta, Malta.
Scanlon, Eileen; Littleton, Karen; Anastopoulou, Stamatina; Sharples, Mike and Ainsworth, Shaaron (). Personal Inquiry and groupwork: issues for computer-supported inquiry learning. In: Dimitracopoulou, Angelique; O'Malley, Claire; Suthers, Daniel and Reimann, Peter eds. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices - CSCL2009 Community Events Proceedings ISLS.
Kozinska, K.; Kursun, E.; Wilson, T.; McAndrew, P.; Scanlon, E. and Jones, A.. (). Are open educational resources the future of e-learning?. In: 3rd International Future-Learning Conference: Innovations in Learning for the Future, 10-14 May 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
Scanlon, Eileen; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Gaved, Mark; Jones, Ann; Collins, Trevor; Mulholland, Paul; Blake, Canan; Petrou, Marilena and Littleton, Karen. (). The challenge of supporting networked personal inquiry learning across contexts. In: The 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010, 3-4 May 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.
Holliman, Richard and Scanlon, Eileen (). Interpreting contested science: media influence and scientific citizenship. In: Holliman, Richard; Whitelegg, Elizabeth; Scanlon, Eileen; Smidt, Sam and Thomas, Jeff eds. Investigating Science Communication in the Information Age: Implications for public engagement and popular media Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 254-273.
Scanlon, E.; Conole, G. and Littleton, K.. (). Participatory design for personal inquiry. In: American Educational Research Association, 13-17 Apr 2009, San Diego, USA.
Mulholland, P.; Collins, T.; Gaved, M.; Wright, M.; Sharples, M.; Greenhalgh, C.; Kerwalla, L.; Scanlon, E. and Littleton, K.. (). Activity guide: an approach to scripted inquiry learning. In: AIED Workshop on Exploratory Learning Environments, 6-10 Jul 2009, Brighton, UK.
Scanlon, E.; Littleton, K.; Gaved, M.; Kerawalla, L.; Mulholland, P.; Collins, T.; Conole, G.; Jones, A.; Clough, G.; Blake, C. and Twiner, A.. (). Support for evidence-based inquiry learning: teachers, tools and phases of inquiry. In: European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction Conference, Aug 2009, Amsterdam.
Collins, Trevor; Gaved, Mark; Mulholland, Paul; Kerawalla, Cindy; Twiner, Alison; Scanlon, Eileen; Jones, Ann; Littleton, Karen; Conole, Grainne and Blake, Canan. (). Supporting location-based inquiry learning across school, field and home contexts. In: Proceedings of the MLearn 2008 Conference, 7-10 Oct 2008, Ironbridge Gorge, Shropshire, UK.
Conole, Grainne; Scanlon, Eileen; Kerawalla, Lucinda; Mulholland, Paul; Anastopoulou, Stamatina and Blake, Canan. (). From design to narrative: the development of inquiry-based learning models. In: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA), 30 Jun - 4 Jul 2008, Vienna.
San Diego, Jonathan P.; Aczel, James; Hodgson, Barbara and Scanlon, Eileen. (). Learners' strategies with multiple representations. In: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 2 Bi-annual meeting 'Text and graphics comprehension', 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2006, Nottingham, UK.
Ralston, J.; Cooke, D.; Twining, P.; Dillon, G.; Evans, D.; Jones, A.; Kukulska-Hulme, A.; McAndrew, P.; Scanlon, E.; Selwood, I.; Sheehy, K. and Underwood, J.. (). Introducing Tablet PCs in schools - a national study - some lessons learned. In: IFIP Conference, Imagining the future for ICT and Education, 26-30 Jun 2006, Norway.
Twining, Peter; Evans, Diane; Cook, Deirdre; Ralston, John; Selwood, Ian; Jones, Ann; Underwood, Jean; Scanlon, Eileen; Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes; Dillon, Gayle; McAndrew, Patrick and Sheehy, Kieron. (). Should there be a future for Tablet PCs in schools?. Journal of Interactive Media in Education.
Colwell, Chetz; Di Paolo, Terry; Scanlon, Eileen; Cooper, Martyn; Uren, Victoria and Jelfs, Anne (). Redesigning practical work: web-based remote experimentation. In: Scanlon, Eileen and Holliman, Richard eds. Mediating science learning through information and communications technology London: Routledge, pp. 169-187.
Blake, Canan Tosunoglu; Davies, C.; Jones, A.; Morris, E. and Scanlon, E.. (). Evaluating complex digital resources. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 11 (1) pp. 4-16.
Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen; Blake, Canan; Butcher, Philip; Greenberg, Joel; Murphy, Pat and Ross, Shelagh. (). Evaluating CAL at the Open University: 15 years on. Computers and Education, 26 (1-3) pp. 5-15.
Scanlon, Eileen; Jones, Ann and O'Shea, Tim (). Evaluating Computer-assisted learning at the British Open University. In: Jones, Ann; Scanlon, Eileen and O'Shea, Tim eds. The Computer Revolution in Education: New Technologies in Distance Education Brighton UK: Harvester Press, pp. 263-276.
Queen’s birthday honours list for Milton Keynes people
Short news piece on people in Milton Keynes who were recognised in the Queen’s birthday honours list. It notes that that Eileen Scanlon, Associate Director of Research and Innovation and Regius Professor of Open Education, has received an OBE for services to education.